Air quality is one of the most important factors in your home. Even if the air is at a perfect temperature, it’s still horrible if it is nearly unbreathable. Air quality is also good for your long-term health. Did you know that houseplants are fantastic for improving air quality? You don’t have to turn to complicated HVAC appliances to fix your air after all. Here are five of the best houseplants for improving air quality.
First, the peace lily is a great way to start air quality improvement. This plant is an all-around solution to the majority of toxic gases in your home. If something is not quite right, but you can’t put your finger on it, a peace lily is almost guaranteed to help in some way. In addition, it is a very low-maintenance plant. Simply water it once a week, and make sure to place it in a shady area. In particular, the peace lily is amazing at detecting ammonia. This substance often goes unnoticed by other houseplants, but you can always rely on the peace lily to get the job done. However, this plant is slightly toxic upon contact, so always wash your hands after handling it. Make sure that your children are aware of this danger as well.
The peace lily is a plant that is very easy to grow from a seed. Other plants are notoriously difficult to raise, and you’re better off purchasing these from a store. However, the peace lily requires extremely little maintenance. In its nascent stages, sprinkle a couple of drops of water on the soil every morning. You can use a very basic fertilizer to get things going as well. For the peace lily, you don’t have to worry about transplanting or shifting the soil around as the plant becomes bigger.
Next, devil’s ivy is a houseplant that is often kept not only for its air quality purposes. This ivy is simply beautiful to look at from all angles. Place the plant near a windowsill so it can receive a lot of sun, and make sure to keep the soil moist at all times. If you do the above, devil’s ivy will reward you with terrific air quality. After a couple of months, you’ll notice long tendrils that stem from the plant’s center. There’s nothing inherently wrong with these tendrils, but make sure they don’t touch other surfaces. Trim the plant if needed.
Ivy plants often get a bad reputation due to the negative ideas about poison ivy. However, this type of plant is very helpful overall, and you should not limit yourself to devil’s ivy. Almost any nonpoisonous type of ivy is great for purifying the air. While certain strains might not remove toxic chemicals, they will definitely freshen up the air so things don’t become stale. Some of the most common HVAC devices include air purifiers, circulators, and ventilators. This isn’t to say that you should toss out all of the above appliances, but it’s in your best interest to complement them with some ivy.
Dracaena is a great plant for gardeners who are just starting off. It’s nearly impossible to kill this plant as long as you provide some basic maintenance. Water the plant on a daily basis, and rotate it so different sides can face the sun. If only one half of the plant is thriving, its air quality benefits will suffer in a similar regard. Dracaena removes toxic chemicals such as formaldehyde and toluene from the air, so you don’t have to worry about poisoning.
When the plant is happy, it will produce small, white flowers in the spring and fall. Nevertheless, dracaena thrives in all seasons. Other houseplants are sometimes suboptimal because they have seasons when they don’t grow. Homeowners want some greenery in their homes in the wintertime, but certain plants refuse to do anything but shrivel up. This is definitely not the case for dracaena as it will grow nonstop in all seasons.
It’s very easy to transplant dracaena as it develops, and soon enough, you’ll have a whole array of lovely pots of dracaena. In particular, if you live in a city with lots of smog, this plant is exactly what you are looking for.
Contrary to popular belief, bamboo actually has a number of air quality benefits. In particular, the bamboo palm stands strong and tall inside your home. For a houseplant, it is one of the sturdiest out there. You won’t have to worry about knocking the plant over in the middle of the night. It can tolerate bumps and nudges and even a lack of care when you go on vacation.
Bamboo palm removes almost all traces of benzene and carbon monoxide in the vicinity. You’re probably aware of the perilous effects of carbon monoxide. There’s a good chance that you have a carbon monoxide alarm attached to your fire alarm, but you won’t have to worry about the former going off in the presence of bamboo palm. This plant eliminates carbon monoxide as soon as it forms. The best way to care for a bamboo palm is with a mister that sprays extremely fine water droplets. These tiny particles will find their way into the soil and roots and will allow your palm to thrive.
Lastly, the snake plant has gained lots of attention over the past few years. While its name might sound formidable, this plant is actually brilliant at removing xylene and nitrogen oxide from the air. In a nutshell, these are toxic gases that you should not be inhaling on a regular basis. The snake plant can tolerate a wide range of climates, so it doesn’t really matter where you live. Homeowners who are concerned about air quality should turn to the snake plant.
One of the best parts about the snake plant is how predictably it grows. Other plants weave and wind about your home, and you never really know how it is going to end up. In the worst-case scenario, there might not even be room for the plant once it becomes big. However, the snake plant grows vertically until its leaves become heavy enough to droop. This makes the snake plant an excellent gift for young adults who are just beginning to garden. You can also keep your loved ones safe with its air quality benefits.
These are some of the best houseplants for improving air quality. They are amazing additions to your existing HVAC devices. For more tips about how to improve air quality, a company such as Air Patrol Air Conditioning in Farmers Branch, TX, can be a great resource. We know all about the biggest threats in your air and the wonders that houseplants can provide. We’re also veterans in heating, AC, and ventilation repairs. If you want to breathe cleanly, please reach out to us today!